WA Cyclocross (presented by PMBC)
powered by TidyHQNumbatCup16 Round 4

NumbatCup16 Round 4
****please note set-up start time has changed to 0900****
***Parents please note - Kids rego on the day will be closing at 1130 and $10 if a day participation license is required***
Rego Adult racers - don't wait until the last minute, just don't. Ends.
NB. Will be capping numbers at 60 per adult wave, 1. Mens C and Masters C, 2. Mens B and Masters B , 3. Womens Elite-B-C, and 4. Mens Elite.
get in early or you will have to race where there is a spot left
Still not sure why a few are having trouble paying via PayPal but the reason might be thus,
"If you have a credit card on file with PayPal, and want to make purchases with that credit card, you need to do it by logging into your PayPal account and selecting it as a payment method. If you try to use it without logging into your PayPal account, chances are it will be declined.
PayPal assumes that if a credit card number is in someone’s PayPal account, and then a charge is run through on the same number but not through the PayPal account, there may be fraud involved. The card might have been lost or stolen.
If you have a PayPal account, the option “Don’t have a PayPal account” will not work unless you use a credit card number that is not associated with your PayPal account."
Numbat Cup16 at the Northern home of WACX Edgewater Quary
It's back, Numbat Cup16 4th round Sunday 10 July set up starts at 0900 the more hands the merrier
After such a popular 1st CX race at Fish Market Reserve, 2nd race at Edward Millen Reserve, Cross Heavan at Garvey Park #1, we are ready to take on Joondalup's finest cross course for the first time in 2016.
Sand, grass, limestone, bitumen, heckles and another great location for photos.
After the success at Round 3 we have maintained the same race times - don’t be late.
This requires course set up to be started earlier, the more hands and mallets the better.
Remember WACX is by rider for riders, if you want to race, help, it isn’t hard, you get to see the transition from a blank canvas to a cross course and get an inside into the lines that are trying to be set.
Once again round due to the popularity of the Men’s Masters +40 we have split it into a B and C grade, if you want to race A step-up into Men’s Elite - because cyclocross isn't meant to be easy.
Kids – the more the merrier, they can still rego on the day Race starts at 1200, rego from 1100
***Parents please note - Kids rego on the day will be closing at 1140***
to avoid disapointment, register them before hand.
Timing – we do our best, this is all about the Race against the clock, the course and each other. So have fun and enjoy.
Adults - Race Numbers keep them from your last race, if we can we will check them off at the start line.
OK you NEED to read two sections
Section 2 What license do i need to race cyclocross
(you can skip Sec. 2 but please put your license number in the relevant loaction in the contact details)
Please Read Carefully Before Acknowledging it has been read.
TO: Mountain Bike Australia Inc.
In consideration of Mountain Bike Australia Inc. (“MTBA”) accepting my participation in any individual event sanctioned by MTBA (“the event”) which may involve a significant risk of physical harm, I agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk. I am aware that mountain biking is a recreational activity which may involve, in addition to usual and inherent risks, personal injury, obvious risk, danger to myself, the possibility of injury and harm and physical exertion for which I may not be prepared, remoteness to normal medical service, weather extremes subject to sudden and unexpected change and evacuation difficulties if I am disabled.
I accept all of the inherent and obvious risks and that mountain biking is a dangerous recreational activity and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting therefrom. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of mountain biking is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by the activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement being a reason for my participation.
I hereby release and forever discharge from all liability and agree not to sue MTBA and its officers, employees, volunteers, agents, contractors, public bodies, land holders and sponsors from any and all claims, suits, demands, expenses, costs, damages or proceedings of any nature whatsoever arising from any personal injury, death, property damage or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in the event.
I hereby indemnify and hold harmless MTBA, its officers, agents, contractors and sponsors from and against all claims, suits, demands, expenses, costs, actions and proceedings of any nature whatsoever arising from any injury, loss or damage sustained by me or any injury, loss or damage suffered by any other person as a result of any act, omission, neglect or default on my part in connection with my participation in the event
I further agree:
1.1 That if I suffer injury MTBA can arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation services as MTBA deem essential for my safety and that I am responsible for those costs except to the extent provided for by MTBA.
1.2 That the details of my injuries and of my treatment can be released to an authorized officer from MTBA upon request.
1.3 I will advise the event organisers if I have a specific medical condition that may affect my safety or the safety of others.
1.4 That my name, results, photographs, video, audio recordings, multimedia or film likeness can be used for any legitimate purpose by MTBA, the event organiser, the sponsors, or assigns.
1.5 That I will submit a urine or blood sample for analysis if required.
1.6 That I acknowledge that the consumption of alcohol is prohibited before or during any practice or competition for the event.
1.7 That I will adhere to the Code of Conduct published by MTBA from time to time
2.0 What license do i need to race cyclocross
Numbat Cup16 will require a current one of the following, (we know that the whole CA/MTBA/BMX license is a dogs breakfast but below is as simple as it can get)
2.1 MTBA Gold License,
2.2 Cycling Australia Racing License, or
2.3 Day Participation License / Free trial MTBA 2 month membership
** please put your license number in the relevant loaction in the contact details**
2.1 Prefer Dirt then get a MTBA Gold License
SuperCross recomends joining Perth Mountain Bike Club http://perthmtb.asn.au/node/19839
Membership Types (12 months from joining)
2.1.1 Senior Membership (19+)
1 Year: $140 (includes $20 club fee)
2.1.2 Dirt Master (3-12 years old)
1 Year: $45 (includes $5 club fee)
2.1.3 Junior Membership (13-18 years old)
1 Year: $105 (includes $20 club fee)
2.2 Perfer Racing Road then get a CA Racing Liecnse
SuperCross recomends joining South Perth Rouleurs http://www.southperthrouleurs.com.au/memberships/
2.2.1 Elite Road Licence $346 (includes $25 club fee)
2.2.2 Masters Road Licence $264 (includes $25 club fee)
2.2.3 U19 $178 (includes $25 club fee)
if you are younger than u19 it will cost you even less.
you can join up here by clicking on the “new registration” link under the “new members” heading and following the instructions.
2.3 Day Participation License
Tick the box and cough up your $25, it twill cover you just for one race.
Dont want to spend and extra $25 and still what to race in The Numbat Cup16?
Not sure if CX is for you but still want to race The Numbat Cup16?
MTBA offer a free 2 month trial membership http://www.mtba.asn.au/membership/free-trial-membership/
Number limited - dont wait till the last minute, when they are gone they are gone.
NB There will be no late entries accepted for the event, except for kids - we love to see kids riding.
They just need a license MTBA Dirt Master $45 (2.1.2) or pay for a day participation license $7
0800 - 1130 | Course Set up and bulid, come and help build the course you race. If the course isnt ready when you arrive, don't blame the oragnisers/course designers The question is what could you have done to help, bring a rubber mallet and have a go If you can't bang in the poles help with rego, timing, ongoing course maintance before or after your race No need to be precicious - because cyclocross. |
1100 - 1130 | Course Open or when the course is complete, kids will be ready first |
1044 - 1200 | Race Plate Collection - if you get down early pitch in Kids first If you already have have your number check in then will see you at the start line - 10mins early please |
1045 - 1130 | Kids (U13) Race Plate collection and name check at the registration desk finishes 30 mins before the race |
1201 - 1220 | Kids (U13) Race - 20mins |
1225 - 1250 | Kids (U13) Race - Presentations Course adjustment and practice |
1300 - 1330 | Mens C riders - 30mins Mens Masters C +40 - 30 mins |
1340 - 1420 | Mens B riders - 40mins Mens Masters B +40 - 40mins |
1430 - 1510 | Womens Elite - 40mins Womens B - 40mins Womens C - 30mins |
1520 - 1605 | Mens Elite riders - 45mins |
1610 - 1630 | Course deconstruction preliminary pack up |
1630 - 1640 | Mens Womens & Masters Presentations |
1645 - 1730 | Relax, reflect and enjoy Finish Packing |
Kids U13 - 20mins | Sale Ended |